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Taijiro Iimori
  • Taijiro Iimori

Taijiro Iimori

Taijiro Iimori is one of Japan's most distinguished conductors, widely respected for his broad repertoire and particularly as a strong advocate of Wagner, whose works he is dedicated to introducing to audiences in his native country.
Taijiro Iimori currently holds the positions of Principal Conductor at the Tokyo City Philharmonic Orchestra (since September 1997) and the Kansai Philharmonic Orchestra (since January 2001) .
As well as Japan, Taijiro Iimori is active in Europe, particularly Germany, where he has held and continues to hold various posts, notably at the Richard Wagner Festival in Bayreuth where he has been a music assistant since 1970.
Mr. Iimori went on to hold posts as Resident Conductor at the Hamburg State Opera, the Städtische Bühnen, Nationaltheater Mannheim, Regensburg and from 1978 to 1983 he was principal conductor of the Enschede Opera Forum, where he continues to be orchestra advisor to the Enschede City Conservatory Orchestra.
For his outstanding musical activities Taijiro Iimori is the recipient of many accolades including The 32nd Suntory Music awards (2000), The 54th Art Encouragement Prize (2003), Purple Ribbon Award (2004) and The 43rd Osaka City Award (2008).

(Curriculum Vitae as of May 2009)

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