HOME > INFORMATION > Announcement of Conductor & Program Change for October 2020 Subscription Concerts

Updated on October 6, 2020, Tuesday

Announcement of Conductor & Program Change for October 2020 Subscription Concerts

Maestro Myung-Whun Chung, Honorary Music Director of the Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra, will not be able to visit Japan, due to the Japanese government's fourteen-day quarantine restriction on foreignn nationals entering Japan. Maestro Min Chung, our Associate Conductor, is going to conduct the performances in his place. A part of the program will change as well.

We hope you look forward to the performance conducted by Maestro Min Chung. We are sure you will enjoy the energy and artistry he will bring to the occasion in his own way as Maestro Myung-Whun Chung’s substitute.

Change of the conductor & the program

The 944th Suntory Series: October 19, Mon, 19:00 at Suntory Hall
The 137th Tokyo Opera City Series: October 22, Thu, 19:00 at Tokyo Opera City Concert Hall
The 945rd Orchard Concert: October 25, Sun, 15:00 at Bunkamura Orchard Hall

Maestro Min Chung, Associate Conductor of the Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra
(Changed from Maestro Myung-Whun Chung)
*Violin solo: Moné Hattori

Beethoven: Violin Concerto*
Beethoven: Symphony No. 5
(changed from Beethoven: Symphony No.3 “Eroica”)

If you can attend the concert, you do not need to take any action. Please fill out the requested information in the postcard with your seat number which we are planning to send out on October 7, Wed, and bring it to the concert.

Please be sure to read the information about our measures to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus before coming to the venue. We sincerely appreciate your efforts.

For those who wish to be absent from the concert due to the change in content, we will refund the ticket price. Please fill out the return form and return it with the enclosed postcard with your seat number to the Tokyo Philharmonic Ticket Service no later than October 17, Sat, 2020 (postmarked by the date). Please note that we cannot give you a refund after that date.

The number of performances has been drastically reduced due to the corona epidemic, and the number of concertgoers has been limited in order to prevent the spread of infection. Your support is a great strength for the survival of the organization. We will again be accepting donations by declining to refund tickets, so we would appreciate your consideration.
You can apply with the same return form enclosed in the envelope.

Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra

For inquiries
Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra Ticket Service
phone:+81(0)3-5353-9522 fax: +81(0)3-5353-9523
Open from Mon through Fri 10:00-18:00, closed on Sat, Sun & national holidays.

Concert Calendar


BUY TPO TICKETS [03-5353-9522] Business hours: 10:00~18:00 Regular holiday: Sat・Sun・Holiday

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