HOME > INFORMATION > Same-Day Tickets Information / June Subscription Concerts (June 26, Wed)

Update on June 25, 2024, Tue

Same-Day Tickets Information / June Subscription Concerts (June 26, Wed)
Conductor: Myung-Whun Chung (Honorary Music Director)

The tickets will be available starting at 5:30 p.m. at Tokyo Opera City Concert Hall Box Office on June 26.

General: S¥10,000 A¥8,500

-Payment is by cash only. Please be sure to bring the exact change.
-Sales will end when the planned number of tickets has been reached.

June Subscription Concerts

June 23, Sun 15:00 start (14:15 open)
Bunkamura Orchard Hall
June 24, Mon 19:00 start (18:15 open)
Suntory Hall (Main Hall)
June 26, Wed 19:00 start (18:15 open)
Tokyo Opera City (Concert Hall)

Conductor: Myung-Whun Chung (Honorary Music Director)
Piano: Keigo Mukawa
Ondes Martenot: Takashi Harada

Messiaen: Turangalîla-Symphonie
(duration: approx. 80 minutes, no intermission)

LEASE NOTE for our June performances of Turangalîla

There will be no intermission for these performances of Messiaen: Turangalîla-Symphonie.

The concert will continue for a total of 10 movements lasting approximately 80 minutes, so those who are late for the start of the performance or who have left the concert once will not be allowed to enter during the performance.

Please understand that we do not allow entrance to the concert hall during the performance as it is impossible not to disturb those in attendance.

Thank you for your understanding.

Concert Calendar


BUY TPO TICKETS [03-5353-9522] Business hours: 10:00~18:00 Regular holiday: Sat・Sun・Holiday

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